What the Society Does

The Society basically serves three main functions: it publishes periodicals and books, holds technical meetings, and promotes research activities.

Publishes ‘The Geotechnical Engineering Magazine’ (written in Japanese) and ‘Soils and Foundations’
Publishes books, slide sets, proceedings and reports from technical committees
Organizes conferences, symposia, lectures and field trips, etc.
Organizes research activities by technical committees
Promotes award activities
Standardizes tests and investigation methods, created the draft for Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)
Sends delegates to international conferences, regional conferences and technical committees
Conducts joint seminars with other countries
Provides open lectures for the public on topics related to our daily lives
Organizes technical excursions
Promotes lectures, symposia and field trips related to local issues organized by the 9 domestic branches
Course System lectures

<The Geotechnical Engineering Magazine>
<Soils and Foundations>