2015/11/14 Second Japan-India Geotechnical Workshop

Second Japan-India Geotechnical Workshop
DATE: November 14, 2015
HOST: The Japanese Geotechnical Society / Indian Geotechnical Society
VENUE: Event Hall, 1F Central Library, Fukuoka University
8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180 Japan
CONTACT: JGS International Affairs Department, kokusai@jiban.or.jp

Workshop theme

“Geotechnics for Resilient Infrastructure”

Registration fee:

12,000JPY (Cash only. Payment at 15ARC registration desk to JGS Staff; Ms Watanabe, is preferable. Student special discount will be applicable.)


IGS delegates are requested to come to the main lobby of either of the following hotels. You will be escorted to the workshop venue by JGS members (Takeshi Katsumi, Yoichi Watabe, or others) using subway:
– Hotel Nikko Fukuoka (2-18-25 Hakataekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0011, Tel.092-482-1111, http://www.hotelnikko-fukuoka.com/) at AM7:45, or
– Richmond Hotel Fukuoka Tenjin (4-8-25 Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Tel: +092-739-2055, http://fukuoka-tenjin.richmondhotel.jp/) at AM8:00.

If you directly go to the workshop venue, please get off “Fukudai-mae” Station of Fukuoka City Subway Nanakuma Line. Follow the following indications. Subway route map can also be referred from http://subway.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/eng/route/index.html#b.

Program (tentative):

9:00 – 9:15 Opening and workshop introduction (Prof. T. Katsumi and Prof. H. Hazarika)

9:15 – 9:45 Lead presentation 1  Prof. T. G. Sitharam, IISc Bangalore: Seismic site characterization and ground response analysis for an offshore site (IND-03)
9:45 – 10:15 Lead presentation 2  Prof. Ikuo Towhata, Kanto-gakuin University: Recent rainfall events and geotechnical thinking (JPN-03)

Tea Break

10:30 – 12:00 Presentation session 1 (8 presentations) (Chair: Dr. T. Fujikawa)
Prof. Deepankar Choudhury, IIT Bombay: Coupled behavior of pile foundations in liquefied and non-liquefied soils during earthquakes including case study (IND-02)
Dr Tetsuo Tobita, Kyoto University: Centrifuge study on damage mechanism of buried pipes in the liquefiable ground (JPN-02)
Dr. A. Murali Krishna, IIT Guwahati: Seismic resilience of retaining walls backfilled with sand–tire chips mixtures (IND-08)
Dr. P. Anbazhagan, IISc Bangalore: Low cost damping scheme for low to medium rise buildings using rubber soil mixtures (IND-05)
Dr Taizo Kobayashi, Fukui University: A comparative study on reinforcement methods against seepage failure of river embankments (JPN-08)
Prof. B.V.S. Viswanadham, IIT Bombay: Centrifuge model studies on soil-nailed slopes subjected to seepage (IND-04)
Prof. Hemanta Hazarika, Kyushu University: Model testing on resilient solution for breakwater protection against tsunami (JPN-05)
Prof. Kazuya Yasuhara, Ibaraki University: Geo-disasters in the context of climate change and their adaptation (JPN-04)

Lunch Break at University Guest Restaurant (16F, Humanity and Social Sciences Center Building)

13:00 – 14:30 Presentation session 2 (7 presentations) (Chair: Prof. D. Choudhury)
Dr. K. Muthukkumaran, NIT Trichy: Behaviour of laterally loaded rock socketed pile in multi-layered soil-rock profile (IND-07)
Prof. Kiyoshi Omine, Nagasaki University: In-situ tests for slope stability of solid waste deposit (JPN-09)
Prof. G.L.S. Babu, IISc Bangalore:Evaluation of resilient and permanent deformations of geogrid reinforced pavements (IND-01)
Prof. Kenichi Sato, Fukuoka University: Technology and effective use of coal fly ash mixing materials as ground materials in Japan (JPN-07)
Dr Alireza Afshani, Waseda University: Artificial soil freezing application in shield tunneling (JPN-01)
Dr. Priyanka Ghosh, IIT Kanpur: Interaction of two closely spaced circular ground anchors embedded in homogeneous soil deposit (IND-12)
Dr. Tanusree Chakraborty, IIT Delhi: High strain rate stress-strain response of soils – A review (IND-13)

Tea Break

15:00 – 16:00 Presentation session 3 (4 presentations) (Chair; Prof. G.L.S. Babu)
Dr. Ashish Juneja, IIT Bombay: Civil Engineering Education with focus on Geotechnical Training in Indian Universities (IND-06)
Prof. K. Bandyopadhyay, Jadavpur University, Kolkata: Comparative study of a sub-soil profile obtained by SDMT and SPT tests and subsequent determination of settlement of post-earthquake condition (IND-09)
Dr Yoichi Watabe, Port and Airport Research Institute: Interpretation of construction management data recorded during installation of cutoff sheet pile wall in coastal waste reclamation facilities (JPN-06)
Prof. Takeshi Katsumi, Kyoto University: Contribution of environmental geotechnics for disaster recovery (JPN-10)

16:00 – 17:00 Panel Discussions “Towards building a resilient community against man-made and natural disaster” (Moderator: Prof. H. Hazarika)
Panelists: Prof. T.G. Sitharam, Prof. B.V.S. Viswanadham, Prof. K. Yasuhara, Dr. T. Tobita, and Prof. I. Towhata

17:00 – Closing

18:30 – Dinner at Suraj (Indian Restaurant in Kuten, 9F Hakata Station Building, Tel; 092-409-6717, http://www.jrhakatacity.com/gourmet/suraj/, Voluntary)