Seminar on Liquefaction and Seismically Induced Hazards: Assessment and Mitigation

Seminar on Liquefaction and Seismically Induced Hazards: Assessment and Mitigation
DATE: September 6, 2019
HOST: Philippine Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Co-presents: University of the Philippines Institute of Civil Engineering, Japanese Geotechnical Society and Port and Airport Research Institute
VENUE: D.M. Consunji Theater, UP Institute of Civil Engineering, Diliman, Quezon City
CONTACT: JGS International Affairs Department,

Technical Program

7:30 – 8:30 AM ‐ Registration
8:30 – 9:00 AM ‐ Opening Ceremony
   Invocation ‐ Jose Carlo Eric L. Santos, PSSMGE Director
   Welcoming Remarks ‐ Dr. Maria Antonia N. Tanchuling, UP ICE Director
   Opening Remarks Dr. Alexis Philip A. Acacio, PSSMGE President

Morning Session
Technical Session  Chair: Mark K. Morales, PSSMGE Treasurer
 9:00 –  9:45 AM ‐ Technical Session 1 (45 minutes)
   Dr. Alexis Philip A. Acacio – Liquefaction Case Studies in the Philippines
 9:45 – 10:15 AM  ‐ Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:00 AM ‐ Technical Session 2 (45 minutes)
   Dr. Ooki Kurihara ‐ Grid-Type Ground Improvement by Deep Mixing Method
11:00 – 11:45 AM ‐ Technical Session 3 (45 minutes)
   Engr. Roy Anthony C. Luna ‐ Liquefaction and Seismic Hazards in Metro Manila
11:45 – 1:00 PM ‐ Lunch

Afternoon Session
Technical Session  Chair: Jaime Angelo S. Victor, Geotechnical Engineering Group, UP ICE
 1:00 –  1:45 PM ‐ Technical Session 4 (45 minutes)
   Dr. Naoki Takahashi ‐ Soil Liquefaction and Pile-Type Improvement against Lateral Flow of Liquefied Ground
 1:45 –  2:30 PM ‐ Technical Session 5 (45 minutes)
   Dr. Mark Albert H. Zarco ‐ BDT Pile Testing and Liquefaction Resilient Deep Foundations
 2:30 –  3:00 PM ‐ Coffee Break
 3:00 –  4:00 PM ‐ Keynote Lecture
   Prof. Ikuo Towhata

PSSMGE General Assembly
 4:00 –  4:15 PM ‐ Introduction of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
   Prof. Ikuo Towhata