The Eighth Japan – Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls

The Eighth Japan – Taiwan Joint Workshop
DATE: October 24th (Wednesday) to 26th (Friday), 2018
HOST: Japanese Geotechnical Society, Taiwan Geotechnical Society, Asia Technical Committee 3 of ISSMGE, Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Association, Kyoto Prefecture
VENUE: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Uji Campus of Kyoto University (Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto)
CONTACT: JGS International Affairs Department,


JT Workshop Extended Abstract-template.docx (MS-Word:24KB)

JT Workshop Registration form rev01 (MS-Word:24KB) (Updated 2018/08/06)


To share knowledge and establish Joint Research Framework for future collaboration among Japan, Taiwan, and other Countries on Geotechnical Natural Hazards


1. State of the art on evaluation and mitigation of earthquake and heavy rainfall induced damage.
2. Risk management and advance monitoring technology on large landslide and debris flow.
3. Development of design codes and specifications on geotechnical seismic and extreme weather design.
4. Advance in numerical modeling and experimental work in geotechnical structures.
5. Case studies of performance analysis of geotechnical structures during natural hazards.

Call for Papers

Two page extended Abstracts of papers should be submitted to the following correspondence by July 31, 2018. The abstract format will be notified later in due course. It is to be noted that all of abstract will be reviewed by a review committee formed under the supervision of ATC3. Extended abstract volume will be distributed to the participants during the workshop. The selected abstract will be recommended to submit the full journal paper of JGS/TGS journal.

Important Date (Updated 2018/08/02)

Deadline for 2-page extended abstract: August 31, 2018
Notification of reviewer’s decision: September 15, 2018
Deadline for final extended abstract submission: September 30, 2018
Deadline for Registration: September 30, 2018


October 24th (Wednesday)
AM: Opening Session, Technical Sessions
PM: Technical Sessions
Evening: Welcome Reception at campus restaurant
October 25th (Thursday)
AM: Technical Sessions
PM: Technical Sessions & Travel to Nara with charter buses
Evening: Banquet at Hotel Subaru, Totsukawa Hot Spring
Note: Basically three persons per one Japanese style room. Single or twin rooms will be available with additional payment. 
October 26th (Friday)
AM: Filed trip of landslide sites and natural dam with charter buses
PM: after lunch, move to Kansai International Airport (2 hours) and Kyoto station (+1.5 hours), break up

Field Trip

Landslide dams in Nara after 2001 Heavy rainfall and their restoration works by MILT.


Conference (Oct. 24-25) (including lunch, coffee, proceedings):
Regular: JPY 15,000, Student: JPY 7,000, Accompany: JPY 7,000
Field trip (Oct. 25-26) (40 people, including transportation, lunch, dinner and accommodation on Oct. 25th):
JPY 20,000

Accommodation Information

Please book hotel on 23th, 24th and 26th October by yourself. Only accommodation on Oct. 25th is included in the field trip fee. Hotels near the stations along JR Nara line or Keihan line are convenient for access to the venue.

Local Organizing Committee

Prof. Motoki Kazama, Chairman of ATC3 until 2018.8, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Mitsu Okamura, Chairman of ATC3 from 2018.9, Ehime University, Japan
Prof. Ryosuke Uzuoka, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan
Assoc. Prof. Gonghui Wang, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan
Assist. Prof. Kyohei Ueda, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan
Dr. Wei F. Lee, Ground Master Construction / MICE Engineering Consultants, Taiwan


In Japan and other regions
Prof. R. Uzuoka
DPRI, Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Tel: +81-774-38-4090

In Taiwan
Prof. Chih Wei LU, Construction Engineering Department, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Tel :(+886)-7-601-1000

Advisory Committee Members

Prof. Kenji Ishihara (Japan)
Prof. Takaji Kokusho (Japan)
Prof. Susumu Yasuda (Japan)
Prof. Ikuo Towhata (Japan)
Prof. Joe Tzou-Shin Ueng (Taiwan)
Prof. Cheng-Hsing Chen (Taiwan)
Mr. Yung Kuang Lin (Taiwan)
Prof. Meei-Ling Lin (Taiwan)
Prof. Horn-Da Lin (Taiwan)
Prof. Keh-Jian Shou (Taiwan)

Organizing Committee members

Chairman: Prof. Motoki Kazama (Japan)
Prof. Tien-Chien Chen (Taiwan)
Dr. Shu-Yung Chi (Taiwan)
Prof. Jia-Jyun Dong (Taiwan)
Prof. Louis Ge (Taiwan)
Prof. Yung-Yen Ko (Taiwan)
Dr. Wei Feng Lee (Taiwan)
Dr. Bin Shyen Lin (Taiwan)
Prof. Chih-Wei Lu (Taiwan)
Prof. Chi-Chin Tsai (Taiwan)
Prof. Tai Tien Wang (Taiwan)
Dr. Chao-Wen Wang (Taiwan/Japan)
Prof. Jian-Hong Wu (Taiwan)
Prof. Hemanta Hazarika (Japan)
Dr. Netra Prakash Bhandary (Japan)
Prof. Guangqi Chen (Japan)
Prof. Tadashi Hara (Japan)
Dr. Kenji Harada (Japan)
Dr. Takashi Kiyota (Japan)
Prof. Mitsu Okamura (Japan)
Dr. Hirofumi Toyota (Japan)
Prof. Akihiro Wakai (Japan)
Dr. Gonghui Wang (Japan)
Dr. Lin Wang (Japan)
Dr. Masao Wada (Japan)
Dr. Hidenori Takahashi (Japan)
Prof. Yoshimichi Tsukamoto (Japan)