Message from the President

On March 11, 14:46 pm, 2011, an unexpectedly huge earthquake of magnitude 9 hit the wide areas of Eastern part of Japan, followed by an enormous tsunami, flooding an area of more than 500 km2.
Nearly 22,800 people were left dead or missing by the combination of the earthquake and the tsunami.
The tsunami also caused a chain of accidents at Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima.
Extensive restoring efforts are ongoing with various international supports,
and various proposals how to rebuild the affected areas are now under discussion.
This terrible tragedy has posed a feeling of suspicion about the credibility, and limitations as well, of modern science and technology. This is the time for scientists and engineers to work very hard and contribute to rebuild the resilient society.
The efforts should continue until this bitter experience is crystallized as wisdom of mankind.
The Japanese Geotechnical Society(JGS) has started conducting four main activities right after the occurrence of the earthquake:

(1) extensive field investigations,

(2) dissemination of information through Website as well as wide range of publications,

(3) technical recommendations for restoration and mitigation, and

(4) technical supports for municipalities in the affected areas by sending professional volunteers on request.

The Japanese Geotechnical Society will renew its Website to strengthen the power of dissemination, in particular, to overseas, and update continuously the information of the disaster related to geotechnical engineering and the progress of restoration works.

President of JGS
Osamu Kusakabe