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Soils and Foundations

Vol.41-2 (2001.4)

Interlink between Metastability Index, MI(G) and Undrained Shear Strength in Aged Holocene Clay Deposit

Minoru Temma, Satoru Shibuya, Toshiyuki Mitachi and Nobutaka Yamamoto

ABSTRACT : The term "ageing effects" means alternations of mechanical properties of clay after sedimentation. In this paper, it is considered that ageing effects involve with metastabilization of clay structure, which in turn results in increase of elastic shear modulus, G at a given density. In an attempt to examine the interlink between Metastability Index, MI(G) and normalized undrained shear strength, a series of triaxial compression tests was performed on a total of six marine clays worldwide. As a result, a method for distinguishing the effects of cementation and secondary compression is proposed. In addition, similar case studies were carried out at two sites in Ariake (Japan) and in Bangkok (Thailand). Applicability of MILK (Metastability Index coupled with Laboratory K0-test) method for estimating cu "in the ground" (Shibuya et al., 2000) was also examined with the results of triaxial compression test on natural as well as reconstituted samples. The degree of ageing at different depths was evaluated in each site by having the profile of Metastability Index with depth. The ca-profile with depth in aged natural sedimentary clay ground is discussed in link with the site-specific MI(G) -profile with depth.

Key words: aged effect, clay, sample disturbance, shear strength, triaxial compression test  (IGC: C3/D3/D5/D6)


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