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Soils and Foundations


Special Issue on Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice


Takashi Tsuchida and Akira Asaoka

Modelling the Effects of Surcharge to Reduce Long Term Settlement of Reclamations over Soft Clays: A Numerical Case Study
David Nash ... 1
Laboratory Investigation on Electro-Osmosis Properties of Singapore Marine Clay
Bo Myint Win, V. Choa and X. Q. Zeng ...15
Kinking Deformation of PVD under Consolidation Settlement of Surrounding Clay
Hisao Aboshi, Yoshiji Sutoh, Toshiyuki Inoue and Yutaka Shimizu ...25
Engineering Behavior of Cement Stabilized Clay at High Water Content
Norihiko Miura, S. Horpibulsuk and T.S. Nagaraj ...33
Comparative Study on Undrained Shear Strength of Osaka Bay Pleistocene Clay Determined by Several Kinds of Laboratory Test
Yoichi Watabe and Takashi Tsuchida ...47
Estimation of In-Situ Undrained Strength of Soft Soil Deposits by Use of Unconfined Compression Test with Suction Measurement
Toshiyuki Mitachi, Yutaka Kudoh and Masaki Tsushima ...61
Back Analysis of Reclamation by Pump-Dredged Marine Clay---Influence of Ground Water Lowering---
Masaaki Katagiri, Masaaki Terashi and Akira Kaneko ...73
GMAX of Fine-Grained Soils at Wide Void Ratio Range, Focusing on Time-Dependent Behavior
T. N. Lohani, Goro Imai, Kazuo Tani and Satoru Shibuya ...87
A Case Study of the Behaviour of a Vertical Seawall
T.-S. Tan, P.-L. Leong, K.-Y. Yong, R. Kamata, J. Wei, K.-C. Chua and Y.-H. Loh ...103
Considerations on Stability of Embankments on Clay
S. Leroueil, D. Demers and F. Saihi  ...117
Practices of Reused Dredgings by Cement Treatment
Y. X. Tang, Yoshihiko Miyazaki and Takashi Tsuchida ...129
Field Placing Test of Lightweight Treated Soil under Seawater in Kumamoto Port
Takao Satoh, Takashi Tsuchida, Koji Mitsukuri and Z. Hong ...145
...I -IV


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