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Soils and Foundations

Vol.42 No.2 (2002.4)


Sanping Zeng and Robert Liang

ABSTRACT: Drilled shafts have been used as an effective means to stabilize a soil slope with marginal safety factor. A limit equilibrium based slope stability analysis technique is presented in this paper that would allow for the determination of the safety factor of the reinforced slope and the forces acting on the drilled shafts. Specifically, the finite element analysis generated load transfer characteristic curves were incorporated into the traditional method of slice approach to account for the soil arching effects. Mathematical formulation of the proposed analysis method is given in detail, followed by validation of the approach with other analysis methods. Examples of the slopes with or without the drilled shafts are given to illustrate the reasonableness of the solution provided by the proposed approach. The efficiency of using drilled shafts to stabilize a slope is discussed by examing the influence of the shaft location, shaft size and spacing on the calculated safety factor. Finally, a practical case involving the use of the proposed approach is presented.

Key words: drilled shafts, slope stabilization, stability analysis (IGC:E6)


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