Toyoaki Nogami and T. Y. Yong
ABSTRACT: Using a simplified model, the
load-settlement behaviour of a geosynthetic-reinforced soil
is formulated. The model and formulation are flexible to accommodate
inhomogeneity of the medium and multiple reinforcement layers
with no or very little extra computational effort. The developed
formulation is verified by using the finite element method and
is confirmed to be efficient and convenient for computation.
Compared with the previous simplified soil model, the present
model can be defined uniquely by soil material properties alone
and has an adequate mechanism to reproduce the behaviour of
a continuous medium including the shear load transfer. A previous
simplified model was found to be inadequate for deep soft soil.
Also, it was found that at relatively large load levels, multiple
reinforcement layers are as effective as a combination of a
single reinforcement layer and gravel layer in reducing the
Key words: deformation, geosynthetic, layered
soil, soil-structure interaction (ICC: A1/E2/E12/E13)