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Soils and Foundations


Vol.43 No.6
December 2003

Discrete Element Modeling of Leaching-Induced Apparent Overconsolidation in Kaolinite
A. Anandarajah ... 1
Experimental Evaluation of the Viscous Properties of Sand in Shear

H.Nawir, Fumio Tatsuoka and Reiko Kuwano

Effects of Viscous Properties on the Shear Yielding Characteristics of Sand

H.Nawir, Fumio Tatsuoka and Reiko Kuwano

... 33

Developmento of a New Cone Penetrometer and Its Application to Great Depths of Pleistocene Clays
Hiroyuki Tanaka, Masanori Tanaka, Shinya Suzuki and Toshihiko Sakagami ... 51
Pore Size Distribution of Clayey Soils Measured by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry and its Relation to Hydraulic Conductivity

Hiroyuki Tanaka, D.R.Shiwakoti, Naoki Omukai, Fusao Rito, J.Locat and Masanori Tanaka

... 63
Stress-Strain Behavior of Compacted Sandy Material under Cyclic Simple Shear

M. Mohajeri and Ikuo Towhata

... 75
Shake Table Tests on Residual Deformation of Sandy Slopes due to Cyclic Loading

M. Mohajeri and Ikuo Towhata

... 91
Investigation on Soil Liquefaction during the Chi-Chi Earthquake

J.-H. Hwang, C.-W. Yang and C.-H. Chen

Seismic Stability of Cement Treated Ground by Tilting and Dynamic Shaking Table Tests

Masaki Kitazume, Kimitoshi Hayano and Hideo Hashizume

Long-Term Settlement of the Reclaimed Quasi-Overconsolidated Pleistocene Clay Deposits in Osaka Bay

Mamoru Mimura, Koichi Takeda, Koji Yamamoto, Teruyuki Fujiwara 
and W.-Y. Jang

Performance of a Preloaded-Prestressed Geogrid-Reinforced Soil Pier for a Railway Bridge

Taro Uchimura, Masaru Tateyama, Ikuo Tanaka and Fumio Tatsuoka


New Earth Reinforcement Method by Soilbags ("Donow")

Hajime Matsuoka and S. Liu




Lime Treated Clay: Salient Engineering Properties and a Conceptual Model

A.S.Balasubramaniam, D.T.Bergado, G.A.Lorenzo and Y.N.Oh  ...189





Contents and Indexes foe Volume 43 (February 2003 to December 2003)


List of Key words



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