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Soils and Foundations


Vol.46 No.6
December 2006


FOREWORD (Photos in color)                                                                                                     Ikuo Towhata
The 2004 Sediment Disasters in Quezon Province, Philippines Triggered by Heavy Rainfall
R.P. Orense, S.E. Sapuay, E.B. Billedo and Kiyokata Matsuoka ... 701
Evaluation of Run-out Distances of Slope Failures during 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake (Photos in color)
Yoshimichi Tsukamoto, Kenji Ishihara and Yasuhide Kobari ... 713
Evaluation of Natural Slope Failures Induced by the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake (Photos in color)
Hirofumi Toyota, J. Wang, Kouichi Nakamura and Naoki Sakai ... 727
Damage to Earth Structures for National Highways by the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake (Photos in color)
Junichi Koseki, Tetsuya Sasaki, Nichiro Wada, Junichi Hida, Masaki Endo and Yukika Tsutsumi ... 739
Slope Failures at Yokowatashi and Nagaoka College of Technology due to the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake and Their Analytical Considerations
Atsuo Onoue, Akihiko Wakai, Keizo Ugai, Kunihiro Higuchi, Kiyoshi Fukutake, Hiroyuki Hotta, 
Seiichiro Kuroda and Hideaki Nagai
... 751
Effects of Nonlinear Properties of Surface Soils on Strong Ground Motions Recorded in Ojiya during 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake
Kohji Tokimatsu and Toru Sekiguchi ... 765
Investigation and Restoration Countermeasure Work for the Slope Disaster Induced by the 2005 West off Fukuoka Earthquake

G. Chen, Kouki Zen, Hideo Nagase, Kenichi Sato, Kiyoshi Omine, Taizo Kobayashi and Hidefumi Sato

... 777
Damage to Residential Retaining Walls at the Genkai-jima Island Induced by the 2005 Fukuoka-ken Seiho-oki Earthquake

Taizo Kobayashi, Kouki Zen, Noriyuki Yasufuku, Hideo Nagase, G. Chen, Kiyonobu Kasama, 
Akihiko Hirooka, Hiromu Wada, Yuji Onoyama and Hiroshi Uchida

... 793
Zoning for Liquefaction and Damage to Port and Harbor Facilities and Others during the 2005 Fukuoka-ken Seiho-oki Earthquake (Photos in color)

Hideo Nagase, Kouki Zen, Akihiko Hirooka, Noriyuki Yasufuku, Kiyonobu Kasama, 
Taizo Kobayashi, Yoshito Maeda, Kiyoshi Uno, Kenji Hashimura and G. Chen

... 805

Slope Disasters Caused by Typhoon No.14 of 2005 in Yamaguchi Prefecture (Photos in color)

Yoichi Sehara, Motoyuki Suzuki, Tetsuro Yamamoto, Takashi Terayama, Tomohiro Tomokiyo and Yoshifumi Kochi ... 817

Remote Sensing Observations of Landslides and Ground Deformation from the 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu Earthquake

E. Rathje, R. Kayen and K.-S. Woo ... 831

Examination of Slope Hazard Assessment by Using Case Studies of Earthquake- and Rainfall-Induced Landslides (Photos in color)

Masanori Mizuhashi, Ikuo Towhata, Junichi Sato and Takashi Tsujimura ... 843

Geodisasters in Kyushu Area Caused by Typhoon No.14 in September 2005 (Photos in color)

Mitsuhiro Sezaki, Ryosuke Kitamura, Noriyuki Yasufuku, Akihiro Hirooka, Hidetoshi Ochiai, 
Hiroshi Yokota, Shigeki Sawayama, Hiromi Imanishi and Kazuharu Matsumoto
... 855

Ground Damage Resulting from Torrential Rains in Fukui, July 2004

The Japanese Geotechnical Society: Emergency Survey Team for Ground Damage Resulting from
Torrential Rains in Fukui, July 2004
... 869

Uplift of Sewage Manholes and Pipes during the 2004 Niigataken-Chuetsu Earthquake (Photos in color)

Susumu Yasuda and Hiroyoshi Kiku ... 885


... I-II

Contents and Indexes for Volume 46 (February 2006 to December 2006)

... III-X

List of Key Words

... XI


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