Foreword |
Kenji Ishihara |
Nonlinearity in Site Amplification and Soil Properties
during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
Takaji Kokusho and Masaki Matsumoto … |
1 |
Nonlinear Behavior of Surface Deposit during the 1995
Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
Iwao Suetomi and Nozomu Yoshida … |
11 |
Seismic Behavior of an Underlying Alluvial Clay on Man-Made
Islands during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
Motoki Kazama, Akira Yamaguchi and Eiji Yanagisawa… |
23 |
Characterization of Undrained Behaviour of Soils in
the Reclaimed Area of Kobe |
Kenji Ishihara, Misko Cubrinovski and Takeshi Nonaka
… |
33 |
Undrained Deformation and Strength Characteristics of
Soils from Reclaimed Deposits in Kobe |
Yoshimichi Tsukamoto, Kenji Ishihara and Takeshi Nonaka
… |
47 |
Evaluation of Seismic Settlement Potential of Saturated
Sandy Ground Based on Concept of Relative Compression |
Yasuhiro Shamoto and Jian-Min Zhang … |
57 |
Methods for Evaluating Residual Post-Liquefaction Ground
Settlement and Horizontal Displacement |
Yasuhiro Shamoto, Jian-Min Zhang and Kohji Tokimatsu
… |
69 |
Liquefaction-Induced Ground Displacement Triggered by
Quaywall Movement |
Masanori Hamada and Kazue Wakamatsu … |
85 |
Effective Stress Analyses of Port Structures |
Susumu Iai, Koji Ichii, Hanlong Liu and Toshikazu
Morita … |
97 |
Shaking Table Tests on Seismic Deformation of Gravity
Quay Walls |
Abbas Ghalandarzadeh, Takashi Orita, Ikuo Towhata
and Fang Yun … |
115 |
Investigation and Analysis of a Landing Pier of Steel
Pipe Piles Damaged by the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
Shinji Nishizawa, Masaharu Hashimoto, Yutaka Sakata
and Keishiro Sonoi … |
133 |
Permanent Deformation of Steel Pipe Piles Penetrating
Compacted Fill at Wharf on Port Island |
Hiroshi Oh-Oka, Minoru Fukui, Munenori Hatanaka, Junryo
Ohara and Shuji Honda … |
147 |
Effects of Liquefaction-Induced Ground Displacements
on Pile Performance in the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
Kohji Tokimatsu and Yoshiharu Asaka … |
163 |
Investigation and Analysis of a Pile Foundation Damaged
by Liquefaction during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
Shunji Fujii, Noriaki Isemoto, Yasuhiko Satou, Osamu
Kaneko, Hideki Funahara, Toshiaki Arai and Kohji Tokimatsu … |
179 |
Centrifuge Modeling of a Single Pile Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced
Lateral Spreading |
Kenichi Horikoshi, Akira Tateishi and Tadafumi Fujiwara
… |
193 |
A Modified Procedure to Evaluate Active Earth Pressure
at High Seismic Loads |
Junichi Koseki, Fumio Tatsuoka, Yulman Munaf, Masaru
Tateyama and Kenichi Kojima … |
209 |