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Soils and Foundations


Soils and Foundations Special Issue Call for Papers

Soils and Foundations Journal will publish a special issue on recent attempts to establish performance-based design of geotechnical
structures. Those who are interested in are invited now to send a brief abstract in one page of A4 paper with necessary information.

Necessary information : Title, Authors, Institute, E-mail address, and a brief abstract.

Both practically new and pioneering contents are welcome.

Planned time of publication: 2008.
Expected content : recent attempts to establish performance-based design of geotechnical structures.
Length of paper: not more than 12 pages after final printing.
Language : English

Abstract should be submitted before June 30th, 2007, to the following address:
nagao (at) jiban.or.jp  (Replace "(at)" by "@" before using the email address)

Soils and Foundations has been indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded

The Japanese Geotechnical Society is delighted to announce that Soils and Foundations has been indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded. This decision makes the journal one of the best places to submit and find papers of top quality. Currently, those papers published since the February 2001 issue are included in the database. The Japanese Geotechunical Society has long been making efforts to make the journal an ideal place for international publication. In addition to polishing English draft writing for non-native speakers of the language, more electronization is being prepared. Due respects, however, will be paid to subscribers who have continuously supported the journal financially. Anyhow, the international geotechnical community is invited to submit good research outputs to Soils and Foundations.

Soils and Foundations became Bi-Monthly from 1999

From 1999, the annual number of issues of Soils and Foundations had increased from four to six. The main purposes were:
a) to increase the total number of pages per year by about 1.5 times, so that accepted papers can be published as soon as possible, and
b) to publish occasionally, hopefully once a year, special issues on specific geotechnical topics without interfering with the publication of ordinary issues. The special issues which have been published already and are to be publish soon are:
1) Special Issue on the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake, January 1996;
2) Special Issue on the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake, No. 2, September 1998 (Distributed free to all 1998 subscribers);
3) Special Issue on Underground Construction in Soft Ground, July 1999.
Other special issues on geotechnical engineering practice and related research and investigation are also being organized.
With this change, the period between submission and publication of your papers will be shortened significantly.
In spite of the increase in the annual number of issues, we have decided to retain the current subscription fee for overseas readers. (Six issues will be published in February, April, June, August, October and December)
We are most grateful for your continuing interest in Soils and Foundations.

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