Japanese comments on the NWI gExtraction of trace elements in soils using ammonium nitrate solutionh


General Comments

We do not agree to add this proposed NWI to the working program of the committee at this time, because the scope of the proposed method is closely related to the evaluation of (bio)available fraction of elements.  As is already announced, a new WG to work on bioavailability was established under SC7 in the last TC190 meeting and it started to work on making a framework from which boundary conditions for methods to be developed can be derived.  To keep the coherence among mutually related international standards as much as possible, the further discussion about the proposed matter should be adjourned at least until the framework of the a new standard on bioavailability has been solidified.

We do agree that the proposed extraction method would be useful for evaluating labile fraction of trace elements in soils and we will participate in the future work for development of the proposed item.


Editorial Comments

Introduction, the fore part
In the 20th line from the top, gah is to be put before gcalcium chloride.h

Introduction, Prediction of impact
In the first line in a) General, gah is to be placed in front of gammonium nitrate solution.h  In the third line in b) Plant intake,  gtheh is to be put before gelement.h  In the sixth line in c) Migration of elements, gspeedh is to be exchanged with grate.h

Introduction, Sampling
In the first line, gelementh is to be replaced with gelements.h

3 Principle
Two gthehs are to be put in front of gsolutionh in the first line as well as in fron of gsoilh in the second line.

4.1 1 mol/l ammonium nitrate

In the third line, gah is to be placed in front of gready-to use.h

5.6 Overhead shaker
 g20 cmh is not expressed with an appropriate unit and is to be changed to g200 mm.h

A.1.2 Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
In the first line, gformh is to be replaced with gforms.h

A1.3 Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
In the bottom line, gah is to be placed before gammonium nitrate solution.h

A.1.6 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
In the second line, gin a ratioh is to be changed to gat a ratio,h and gah is to be put before gnebulizerh in the same line.  In the third line, gtheh is to be added just in front of g1 mol/l ammonium nitrate solution.h  In the fourth line, gah is placed in front of gcount rate.h

A.2  Calculation
In the second line, gtheh is to be put before gdry residue.h

A.5  Notes on homogenization, initial sample mass and extraction
In the fourth line in the part of Homogenization of freshly collected samples, gtheh is to be put before gsolution.h  Furthermore, two gthehs are to be added in front of gammonium nitrate solutionh in the third line as well as in front of gsolutionh in the fifth line in the part of Extraction of organic horizons.