[国際講演会]2024年10月25日(金)開催 香港地盤工学会会長 Anthony LEUNG氏 ”Mechanics of rooted soil: recent advances”

日 時 :2024年10月25日(金) 10:00 ~11:30
講 師 :香港地盤工学会 会長 Anthony LEUNG 氏(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
講演題目:Mechanics of rooted soil: recent advances

Characterising the hydromechanical properties of unsaturated rooted soils is crucially important to correctlydetermine the vegetation eff ects on seepage and stability of bioengineered soil slopes. Understanding theengineering behaviour of rooted soils requires knowledge from pore-level physical soil-root mechanical interaction,which is however lacking in the current state-of-the-art. This presentation will report t”” latest scientifi c discoveriesof the hydromechanical behaviour of unsaturated rooted soils and their implication to engineering design ofbioengineered slopes. The fi rst part of the presentation will focus on the mechanical anisotropy behaviour of rootedsoils, in terms of both shear strength and shear modulus. New microstructure fabric anisotropic models will beintroduced to explain several new experimental phenomena when subjected to diff erent stress paths. The secondpart of the presentation will report the advanced use of artifi cial intelligence (AI) to aid the discovery of the pore-level soil-root-water interaction, in order to explain the underlying mechanisms of root exploration on the waterretention behaviour.