主催:地盤工学会 時期:2020/3/16 開催地:東京 担当部署:国際部
日 時 :令和2年3月16日(月)14:00~15:00
会 場 :京都大学 東京オフィス 大会議室A http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/tokyo-office/about/access.html
講 師 :Dr Giovanna Biscontin (University of Cambridge) http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/profiles/gb479
講演タイトル:The observational method in supported excavations (支保工掘削における情報化施工)
参加費 :無料
定 員 :30名※定員に達し次第受付を終了いたします
内 容 :
The observational method (OM), originally proposed by Peck in 1969, and formalised in Eurocode 7 in 1987, provides a way to formally reduce redundancy in excavation design and deliver projects more economically and efficiently through modifications to the original design during construction. Quite often supported excavations are over-designed and it is not unusual for measured deformations to reach values much lower than the predicted amounts. This clearly underscores a substantial potential for savings. However, the uncertainties still associated with ground investigations and numerical modelling do not allow for leaner designs at the start of the project without tight controls during construction. With the emergence of advanced analysis tools, such as wide availability of 3D FEM and machine learning, and new sensing technologies, it is becoming increasingly easier to move into a new era of excavation design by using OM-based data-driven decision making, in which the data acquired during construction can be best utilised to deliver real value, confidence, and control.
公益社団法人地盤工学会 国際部担当
E-mail: kokusai@jiban.or.jp
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