受賞業績名 | 受賞者名 |
Visualization of Settlement Behaviorfor Friction Pile Group duringConsolidation | 石藏 良平(九州大学) |
Interpretation of the Effect ofCompaction on the MechanicalBehavior of Embankment MaterialsBased on the Soil Skeleton StructureConcept | 酒井 崇之(名古屋大学) |
THM simulations for laboratoryheating test and real-scale fieldtest | 熊 勇林(名古屋工業大学) |
Data assimilation strategies forparameter identification of elasto-plastic geomaterials and itsapplication to geotechnical practice | 珠玖 隆行(岡山大学) |
3D simulation of overtopping erosionon embankments by shallow-waterapproximation | 藤澤 和謙(京都大学) |
Hybrid Application of Deep MixingColumns Combined with Walls as aSoft Ground Improvement Method UnderEmbankments | 松井 秀岳(大成建設技術センター) |
Prediction of stress and strain forthe seabed and production wellduring methane hydrate exploitationin turbidite reservoir | 米田 純((独)産業技術総合研究所) |