令和元年度 国際会議若手優秀論文賞

◆令和元年度 国際会議若手優秀論文賞◆


受賞業績名 受賞者名
Two-phase flow analysis for three-dimensional flow of LNAPL using CT image in porous material 塩田 絵里加(熊本大学)
Simple analytical model for ultimate bearing capacity estimation of historic masonry structure foundation 橋本 涼太(広島大学)
Numerical simulation of Riedel shear bands formation considering effects of geometrical barrier on strike-slip fault 豊田 智大(名古屋大学)
Topographical characteristics and model test behaviour for occurrence region of debris flow at Hiroshima in August 2014 猪俣 陽平(復建調査設計株式会社)
Chemical compatibility of fine and coarse Ca/Mg composite to mitigate natural contamination Lincoln Waweru Gathuka(京都大学)