国際地盤工学分類 (IGC)

A. 一般[General]

A- 1 土質工学の展望 [Geotechnical Engineering Scope]
A- 2
歴史 [Historical Aspects]
A- 3
情報サービスおよび文献の分類 [Information Services and Literature Classification]
A- 4
教科書、ハンドブックおよび定期刊行物 [Textbooks, Handbooks, and Periodicals]
A- 5
用語 [Terminology]
A- 6
会社、機関および研究所 [Companies, Institutes, and Laboratories]
A- 7
学協会、研究会および国際協力 [Societies, Meetings, and International Cooperation]
A- 8
職業倫理、法規、施工基準および標準化 [Professional Ethics, Legal Requirements, Codes of Practice, and Standardization]
A- 9
教育 [Education]
研究活動 [Research Activities]

B. 地質学および環境関連事項 [Geological and Environmental Aspects]

B- 0 一般[General]
B- 1
土と岩の生成 [Formation of Soils and Rocks]
B- 2
水理地質学的事項 [Hydrogeological Aspects]
B- 3
地盤変動および地盤沈下 [Mass Movements and Land Subsidence]
B- 4
地震活動および地殻変動 [Seismic Activity and Crustal Movements]
B- 5
気候条件 [Climatic Conditions]
B- 6
海底地質学的事項 [Submarine Geological Aspects]
B- 7 N/A
B- 8
地球以外の土と岩の状況 [Extraterrestrial Soil and Rock Conditions]
B- 9
地形学的事項および土地分類 [Geomorphologic Aspects and Terrain Classification]
鉱物学的事項 [Mineralogical Aspects]
地域的な土と岩の記述 [Description of Regional Soil and Rock Conditions]
その他の環境関連事項 [Other Environmental Aspects]

C. 現地調査 [Site Investigations]

土と岩の調査、サンプリングおよび現地試験(工学的性質の決定を除く)の装置と方法および結果 の表示 [Equipment and Techniques of Exploration, Prospection, Sampling, and Field Testing of Soils and Rocks (excl. determination of engineering properties), Presentation of Results]

C- 0 一般[General]
C- 1
航空写真測量とリモートセンシング [Airphoto Surveys and Remoto Sensing]
C- 2
物理探査 [Geophysical Surveys]
C- 3
サウンディング [Probings (Soundings)]
C- 4
視覚調査技術 [Visual Exploration Techniques]
C- 5
ボーリングの方法および装置 [Boring Techniques and Equipment (cf. C-10)]
C- 6
サンプリング [Sampling]
C- 7
現地状況の測定(施工後の計測管理を含む) [Measurement of Field Conditions (incl. Post-Construction Monitoring)]
C- 8
現地試験(工学的性質に関するものはDFを参照) [Field Testing (excl. tests for engineering properties, see Groups D and F)]
C- 9
結果の表示 [Presentation of Results]
水中現地調査 [Underwater Site Investigations]

D. 土の性質:室内試験と原位置試験(ロックフィル、人工土、廃材を含む) [Soil Properties : Laboratory and In-Situ Determinations (incl. Rockfill, Artificial Soils, Waste Materials)]

概念、理論、試験法、装置および結果[Concepts, Theories, Methods of Determination, Equipment, and Results]

D- 0 一般[General]
D- 1
土の分類と記述 [Classification and Description of Soils]
D- 2
物理化学的性質 [Physico-Chemical Properties]
D- 3
組成、構造、密度、および含水量[Composition, Structure, Density, and Water Contents]
D- 4
水理学的性質 [Hydraulic Properties]
D- 5
圧縮性と膨潤性 [Compressibility and Swelling]
D- 6
せん断変形と強度特性 [Shear-Deformation and Strength Properties]
D- 7
動的性質 [Dynamic Properties]
D- 8
熱的性質 [Thermal Properties]
D- 9
締固め特性 [Compactibility]
土-添加材混合物の性質 [Properties of Soil-Additive Mixtures]

E. 土質工学問題の解析 [Analysis of Soil-Engineering Problems]

理論的、実験的および実用的な解析方法 [Theoretical, Empirical, and Practical Methods of Analysis]

E- 0 一般[General]
E- 1
応力解析 [Stress Analysis]
E- 2
変形および沈下の問題 [Deformation and Settlement Problems]
E- 3
浅い基礎の支持力 [Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations]
E- 4
杭および他の深い基礎の支持力 [Bearing Capacity of Piles and other Deep Foundations]
E- 5
土圧問題 [Earth Pressure Problems]
E- 6
斜面および掘削の安定 [Stability of Slopes and Excavations]
E- 7
浸透および水理学的問題 [Seepage and other Hydraulic Problems]
E- 8
動的問題 [Dynamic Problems]
E- 9
凍結作用および熱伝達問題 [Frost Action and Heat Transfer Problems]
層構造の解析と舗装の挙動 [Analysis of Layered Systems and Pavements Behaviour]
土と車両、土と機械の相互作用 [Soil-Vehicle and Soil-Tool Interaction]
土と構造物の相互作用 [Soil-Structures Interaction]
数学的方法、コンピュータ解析 [Mathematical Methods, Computer Analysis]
模型実験解析 [Model Test Analysis]

F. 岩の性質:室内試験と原位置試験 [Rock Properties : Laboratory and In-Situ Determinations]

概念、理論、試験法、装置および結果[Concepts, Theories, Methods of Determination, Equipment, and Results]

F- 0 一般[General]
F- 1
岩および岩盤の分類と記述 [Classification and Description of Rocks and Rock Masses]
F- 2
物理化学的性質 [Physico-Chemical Properties]
F- 3
組成、密度および構造特性 [Composition, Density, and Structural Features]
F- 4
水理学的性質 [Hydraulic Properties]
F- 5
圧縮性と膨潤性 [Compressibility and Swelling]
F- 6
せん断変形と強度特性 [Shear-Deformation and Strength Properties]
F- 7
動的問題 [Dynamic Properties]
F- 8
熱的性質 [Thermal Properties]

G. 岩の工学的問題の解析 [Analysis of Rock-Engineering Problems]

理論的、実験的および実用的な解析方法 [Theoretical, Empirical, and Practical Methods of Analysis]

G- 0 一般[General]
G- 1
応力解析 [Stress Analysis]
G- 2
変形および変位問題 [Deformation and Displacement Problems]
G- 3
岩盤の支持力 [Bearing Capacity of Rock Masses]
G- 4 N/A
G- 5
トンネルおよび地下空洞に働く岩圧 [Rock Pressure on Tunnels and Underground Openings]
G- 6
岩盤斜面と開削の安定 [Stability of Rock Slopes and Open Excavations]
G- 7
浸透および水理学的問題 [Seepage and other Hydraulic Problems]
G- 8
動的問題 [Dynamic Problems]
G- 9
凍結作用および熱伝達問題 [Frost Action and Heat Transfer Problems]
G-10 N/A
G-11 N/A
岩盤と構造物の相互作用 [Rock-Structure Interaction]
数学的方法、コンピュータ解析 [Mathematical Methods, Computer Analysis]
模型実験解析 [Model Test Analysis]

H. 構造物の設計、施工および挙動 [Design, Construction, and Behaviour of Engineering Works]

構造物の解説および事例 [Descriptions and Case Records of Engineering Works]

H- 0 一般[General]
H- 1
構造物の基礎(ダムを除く) [Foundations of Structure (other than dams)]
H- 2
土留め構造物および止水壁 [Retaining Structures and Cut-off Walls]
H- 3
海洋構造物 [Offshore Structures]
H- 4
ダムおよび貯水池 [Dams and Reservoirs]
H- 5
トンネルおよび地下空洞 [Tunnels and Underground Openings]
H- 6
道路、鉄道および空港 [Roads, Railroads and Airfields]
H- 7
港湾、運河および海岸構造物 [Harbours, Canals, and Coastal Engineering Works]
H- 8
地下埋設管および暗渠 [Conduits and Culverts]
H- 9
斜面および素掘り掘削 [Slopes and Unsupported Excavations]
土地利用 [Land Use]

K. 施工法および施工機械 [Construction Methods and Equipment]

K- 0 一般[General]
K- 1
排水工法 [Drainage Methods]
K- 2
シーリングおよびグラウティング工 [Sealing and Grouting Processes]
K- 3
プレローディングおよび置換 [Preloading and Soil Replacement]
K- 4
土工および岩の掘削、処理、搬送 [Earthworks and Rock Excavation, Processing and Transportation]
K- 5
締固め工 [Compaction Processes]
K- 6
土質安定処理および腐食制御 [Soil Stabilization and Erosion Control]
K- 7
杭および杭打ち(矢板を含む) [Piles and Pile Driving incl. Sheet Piles]
K- 8
ケーソンとピアの施工 [Construction of Caissons and Deep Piers]
K- 9
浅い基礎の施工法 [Construction Methods for Shallow Foundations]
泥水工法による基礎および止水壁の施工 [Slurry-Assisted Construction of Foundations and Cut-off Walls]
支保工 [Support of Soil and Rock]
海洋施工 [Offshore Construction]
凍結防止工 [Protection Measures against Frost]
変状対策および補強 [Measures for Improving Deformation and Stability Conditions, Reconstruction of Foundations]

S. 雪と氷の力学および工学 [Snow and Ice Mechanics and Engineering]

S- 0 一般[General]
S- 1
雪および氷層 [Snow and Ice Cover]
S- 2
雪と氷の性質 [Properties of Snow and Ice]
S- 3
雪と氷の工学 [Snow and Ice Engineering]