主催:地盤工学会 時期:2025/3/5 開催地:東京 担当部署:国際部
地盤工学会国際部では,本年度第2回目の国際講演会としてFrancesca Casini教授(Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)を講師に招きます。Casini教授は不飽和土や地盤の熱問題・凍結問題の研究に多くの実績を残されており,ISSMGE TC308(Energy Geotechnics)のメンバーとして活動するほか,近年では2022年の英国土木学会(ICE)からのGeorge Stephenson Medal授与や2023年のThomas Telford Prestige Lectureの講演者に任命されるなど,国際的にその活躍が認められています(その他の実績については下記をご覧ください)。今回の講演は,欧州における人工地盤凍結の実際の適用事例とそれらへの基礎実験的・解析的な研究アプローチに関する最新の知見を共有いただく貴重な機会となります。人工地盤凍結や地下施工というテーマに関心のある会員はもとより,地盤熱問題・マルチフィジクス解析といった問題に取り組まれている会員にも奮ってご参加いただきたく存じます。
日 時 :2025年 3月 5日(水) 15:30 ~ 17:00
場 所 :地盤工学会地階会議室(東京都文京区千石4丁目38番2号)およびZoomによるオンライン
定 員 :対面40名程度(会員限定),オンラインは制限なし
参加費 :無料
申込方法 :2025年2月28日(金)までに下記フォームにてお申込みください。
講 師 :Francesca Casini教授(Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)
講演題目:Artificially frozen soil for underground construction: Two case studies
Artificial ground freezing (AGF) is a temporary earth-supporting system used in a variety of engineering applications spanning from excavation in urban areas to the formation of an ice wall groundwater barrier around, e.g., the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Freezing and thawing of pore fluid within soils involves complex thermal, hydraulic and mechanical processes that can have significant mutual geotechnical interactions. For example, phase changes of pore fluid caused by temperature variations modify the hydraulic regime of the soil, which in turn induces mechanical deformation. At the same time, any change in the hydraulic and mechanical conditions influences the thermal processes by advection and changes of ice and water contents. This presentation will report the latest scientific discoveries of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of artificially frozen soils and their implication to engineering design of the thickness of the frozen wall. The first part of the presentation will focus on the fundamental behaviour of frozen soils. The interpretation of the experimental results will be based on an extension of the unsaturated soil mechanics. The second part of the presentation will report the application of AGF in two case histories, the first in urban area and the latter in the under passing of a river.
Francesca Casini is Full Professor of Geotechnics at Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Her research expertise spans from fundamental soil mechanics in saturated and unsaturated conditions, including thermal loading and its relevance to engineering applications. She has been Early Stage Researcher Marie Curie (ESR) within the Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering (MUSE) project (2006-7) and Experienced Researcher Marie Curie (ER-Intra European Fellowship) working on Numerical Modelling of Artificial Ground Freezing at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) Barcelona. She has been research fellow at ETH Zurich working on the triggering mechanism of shallow landslides induced by rainfall (2008-2011). Since then, the main thrust of her research has been on the applications of soil mechanics, also in unsaturated conditions, to geotechnical engineering, and has dealt mainly with thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings in soils. Since 2014, she has been at the Civil Engineering Department, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. She has been awarded a grant, Programma per Giovani Ricercatori “Rita Levi Montalcini”, by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR). Her research has received financial support from national and international funding agencies, including the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the European Commission, and by industry. She has been the PI of the FROZEN project (2015-17) on the design of a new triaxial apparatus working with temperatures below zero. The prototype has been patented at national level and on the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of artificially frozen soils typical of the subsoil belonging to the Line C of Rome underground. She is member of TC308 (energy Geotechnics) of the ISSMGE, member of Géotechnique Advisory Panel (2018-21), ICE, UK, associate editor of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), etc. In 2022 she and her co-authors received the premium award of the George Stephenson Medal from the ICE for research on the triggering mechanisms of landslides. In 2023 she delivered the Thomas Telford Prestige lecture on the Ruedlingen field experiment. At the moment, she is the PI of a project on the effects of cycles of wetting and drying due to the Tiber river level variation on the historical building foundations.
問合せ先 :公益社団法人地盤工学会 国際部担当
E-mail: kokusai@jiban.or.jp
電話:03-3946-8672 FAX:03-3946-8678