
主催:その他 時期:2008/07/28~2008/07/29 開催地:神戸 担当部署:— 詳細:—


“Recent Development of Advanced Laboratory Testing of Geomaterials”

兵庫県神戸市灘区六甲台町1-1 http://www.eng.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/index.html
アクセス:  http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/access/rokko/campus.htm
July 28, Monday
12:30- 開会
13:00- 一般講演
Prof. D-S. Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea)
Evaluation of the degree of consolidation using laboratory and field seismic tests for soft clay deposits
Prof. S. Zlatovic & Prof. I. Vrkljan (Polytechnic of Zagreb, the Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, Croatia)
Testing of marine sediments at the Peljesac Bridge site
Dr. Dharma Wijewickreme (University of British Columbia, Canada)
New Method for Reconstitution of Highly Gap-graded Soil Specimens for Laboratory Element Testing
Prof. F. Tatsuoka (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Some recent findings on the viscous properties and ageing of geomaterial
16:00- 休憩
16:30- 特別講演会
Prof. H. Di Benedetto (ENTPE, France)
Anisotropy of granular materials in the small strain domain
Prof. R.J. Jardine (Imperial College, U.K.)
Investigating the mechanical characteristics of UK mudrocks through advanced laboratory testing
July 29, Tuesday
9:00- 一般講演
Prof. J-H. Yin (Hong Kong Polytechnic, China)
The time-dependent stress-strain behavior of soft soils
Prof. J.A. Diaz-Rodriguez (National University of Mexico, Mexico)
Monotonic and cyclic behavior of diatomaceous soils
10:30- 休憩
11:00- 一般講演
Prof. J. Koseki (IIS, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Shear and tensile properties of cement-treated sands and their application to liquefaction mitigation
Dr T.N. Lohani (Geo-research Institute, Japan)
Some thoughts on stiffness measurement of geomaterials with bender elements
Prof. S. Shibuya (Kobe University, Japan)
Recent geotechnical engineering practices in Kobe area involved with advanced laboratory testing
12:30以降 TC29ミーティング(非公開)
参加費: 無料
Satoru SHIBUYA (Leader, Kobe University)sshibuya@kobe-u.ac.jp
Reiko KUWANO (Secretary, University of Tokyo) kuwano@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Nobuyuki YOSHIDA (Kobe University)
Shoji KATO (Kobe University)
Tetsuo IWASAKI (Soil Consultants Co.Ltd.)
Emergency call: Satoru SHIBUYA 078 803 6023

問合せ、申込み: 澁谷啓(神戸大学大学院工学研究科市民工学専攻)sshibuya@kobe-u.ac.jp