【終了】3月30日(金)開催 国際講演会:Active Vibration Screening in Soil with Intermittent Geofoam

主催:地盤工学会  時期:2018/3/30 開催地:東京 担当部署:国際部


日 時 :平成30年3月30日(金)14:00~15:30
会 場 : 地盤工学会 地下会議室
講 師 :Priyanka Ghosh 博士
       Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
講演タイトル: Active Vibration Screening in Soil with Intermittent Geofoam
参加費 : 無料
定 員 : 50名
内 容 : In the present talk, an attempt is made to explore the application of intermittent expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam as a vibration screening material. A new technique is proposed to obtain more effective screening efficiency against the ground vibration using intermittent EPS geofoam. The numerical analysis is performed by employing two-dimensional finite element method under dynamic condition. Vertically oscillated strip and circular embedded foundations are considered as two different types of vibration source. The present analysis considers the foundation bed as linear as well as non-linear elastic, isotropic, homogeneous and non-homogeneous (layered) soil deposit. In presence of ground vibration, the vertical displacements at different locations (pick-up points) along the ground surface are captured to determine the amplitude reduction factor, which helps to assess the efficiency of vibration screening technique. A parametric study is performed based on trench geometry and filling material, layering effect of soil deposit and frequency of source. The results are presented in dimensionless form to address the design guidelines for vibration screening technique using intermittent EPS geofoam.


公益社団法人地盤工学会 国際部担当
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