[終了]6月5日(火)開催 国際講演会:A particle scale perspective on internal erosion and filter design

主催:地盤工学会  時期:2018/6/5 開催地:東京 担当部署:国際部


日 時 :平成30年6月5日(火)16:00~17:30
会 場 : 地盤工学会 地下会議室
講 師 :Catherine O’Sullivan 教授( Imperial College London, UK )
講演タイトル: A particle scale perspective on internal erosion and filter design
参加費 : 無料
定 員 : 50名
内 容 :
 Internal erosion poses a significant risk to the integrity of embankment dams and flood embankments. Well designed filters are required to prevent erosion of the fine core material.  The granular materials within the embankment must themselves be resistant to erosion, i.e. they must be internally stable.  The filtration process (whereby a filter prevents erosion of the finer zones) operates at the particle scale, as does the ability of a material to retain its finer fraction and remain internally stable under the action of seepage flow.  This presentation considers recent research that has exploited micro computed tomography (microCT) and discrete element method (DEM) simulations to improve fundamental understanding of these processes.  These tools have been used to revisit previous empirial studies and give a more scientific basis to guidelines on filter design and material selection used in engineering practice.
 公益社団法人地盤工学会 国際部担当
 E-mail: kokusai@jiban.or.jp
 電話:03-3946-8671 FAX:03-3946-8678