
主催:国際地盤工学会(ISSMGE) 時期:2017年9月16日~17日 開催地:韓国ソウル市 担当部署:地盤工学会国際部

会議名: 第6回世界若手地盤工学者会議(iYGEC6)

主催: 国際地盤工学会(ISSMGE)

開催場所: 韓国 ソウル

日時: 2017年9月16日~17日

会議目的: 世界の若手地盤工学者の交流

参加予定人数: 世界各国から代表2名

参加費等: 参加費400ドルは参加者が負担

発表論文: 英文論文を提出し、会議で口頭発表が義務付けられています。

応募資格: 地盤工学会国際会員または学生会員で、国際交流に必要な語学力を有し、2017年12月31日時に35歳以下(1982年1月1日以降生まれ)の若手技術者/研究者,かつ,会議の全日程に参加可能なこと。

応募方法: 希望者は、下記の事項を記載した書類一式を、学会国際部(kokusai@jiban.or.jp 宛にご提出ください。

1. 申込書(A4用紙書式随意)

2. 発表予定論文の英文概要(A4用紙2枚程度)

応募締切: 平成28年7月29日(金)必着

決定通知: 平成28年9月中旬


公益社団法人地盤工学会 国際部
住所:〒112-0011 東京都文京区千石4丁目38番2号
電話:03-3946-8671 FAX:03-3946-8678 メール:kokusai@jiban.or.jp

The 6th iYGEC Invitation to Member Societies

January 29th, 2016

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference (iYGEC6), I express my sincere gratitude for your keen interests and support in advance for the iYGEC6 and cordially invite member societies to the Conference, which will be held in Seoul, Korea from September 16th to 17th, 2017.

I kindly request your society to nominate two talented young geotechnical engineers whom will be no more than 35 years as of December 31st, 2017 (born after January 1st, 1982), currently engaging in outstanding research/engineering projects to represent your society at the iYGEC6.

The Conference will be held for two days prior to the 19th ICSMGE (September 17th-22nd, 2017) and please note that there is no preferred theme drafted for the iYGEC6. Sessions will be designed in accordance with papers submitted and there will be two keynote lectures provided during the iYGEC6.


Global Education Center for Engineers (GECE)
Building No. 38, Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Republic of Korea

Registration  Fee
Nominee of Member Society, Non-Nominated  $400
Extra 2-day Registration at the 19th ICSMGE* (September 20th-21st, 2017)  $200
Accompanying Person  $250

※ Both Nominee and Non-noinated registration includes the admissions to the first 2-day of the 19th ICSMGE as follow:
– Admittance to all plenary sessions and exhibits on September 18th and 19th, including the Opening Ceremony and invited and/or keynote lectures.
– Conference materials (Program book, Electronic proceedings in USB)
– Lunch Coffee for September 18th-19th.
– Transit pass (Bus Card)

*Extra 2-day registration at the 19th ICSMGE includes the benefits as below:
– Access to all plenary / technical sessions and exhibits on September 20th and 21st.
– Lunch Coffee for September 20th-21st.


Gangnam Serviced Residences (143 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea)

Single accommodation will be provided to all nominees for 5 nights.
(Check-in: September 15th Check-out: September 20th, 2017)

※ Non-nominated participant is required to book the accommodation by individual.

Important Dates
September 30th, 2016

March 2017
April 2017
June 2017

September 1st, 2017
September 13th, 2017
September 16th-17th, 2017

Abstract Submission closes
Registration Opens
Full-length Paper (2 pages) Submission closes
Notification of Paper Acceptance
Registration and Accommodation close
Notification of Presentation guidelines
Presentation file submission closes
Final Notification

Contact Person:
Ms. Sue Kim
iYGEC6 Secretary
(Tel. +82-2-6288-6363 / Email. iygec@icsmge2017.org

Sincerely yours,
Moonkyung CHUNG
iYGEC6 Organizing Committee