A Proposal of Test Method for Determination of the
Liquid Limits of Soils by Fall Cone Method
Yukio Furukawa, Hidehiko Kazama and Tatsushi Fujita
ABSTRACT : To investigate the test
method for determination of the liquid limits of soils by fall cone
method, the JIS and fall cone method were carried out on 207 samples.
The device of fall cone consists of a point angle of 60-deg with a mass
of 60 g. The fall cone is set free and it penetrates into the soil for
five seconds. Test samples used to perform fall-cone test are kinds of
soils of 3500% <= liquid limits < 1600% and ignition losses <=
15%. Soils of liquid limits < 350% are defined as NP. The test is
performed for measuring penetration, ranging from 8 to 15 mm. The result
is plotted on section paper. The plotted results show that the liquid
limit is penetration of 11.5 mm. On the other hand, the test method by
one-point method is also proposed for handy method. In this case, the
water content for penetration from 9.5 to 11.5 mm indicates the liquid
limit. It is showed that the relation error value of maximum for the
liquid limit is showed about +- 10 percent, compared with the JIS method.Key words: consistency
limit, fall cone, liquid limit, test device, test method (IGC: