Undrained Shear Characteristics of Saturated Sand under
Anisotropic Consolidation |
Susumu Kato, Kenji Ishihara and Ikuo Towhata |
... 1 |
Effects of Stress History due to Unsaturation and Drainage
Condition on Shear Properties of Unsaturated Cohesive Soil |
Hirofumi Toyota, Naoki Sakai and Tomoyoshi Nishimura |
... 13 |
Microscopic Observation on Progressive Failure of Reinforced
Foundations |
Kentaro Yamamoto and Jun Otani |
... 25 |
Estimation of Toe Load-Settlement Relation of Non-Displacement
Piles Based on Back-Analysis of In-Situ Tests |
Hiroaki Nagaoka, Masahiro Yamazaki, Ying Zhang and
Takeshi Okamura |
... 39 |
Ground and Pile-Group Responses Due to Tunnelling |
N. Loganathan, H. G. Poulos and K. J. Xu |
...57 |
Microscopic Particle Crushing of Sand Subjected to High
Pressure One-Dimensional Compression |
Yukio Nakata, Masayuki Hyodo, A. F. L. Hyde,
Yoshinori Kato and Hidekazu Murata |
... 69 |
Characteristics of Soils with Low Plasticity: Intermediate Soil
from Ishinomaki, Japan and Lean Clay from Drammen, Norway |
Hiroyuki Tanaka, Masanori Tanaka and D. R. Shiwakoti |
... 83 |
Time-Dependent Behavior of Crushable Materials in One-Dimensional
Compression Tests |
Masataka Takei, Osamu Kusakabe and Taketo
Hayashi |
...97 |
General Interpretation on Natural Void
Ratio-Overburden Pressure Relationship of Marine Deposits (Domestic Edition
Takashi Tsuchida |
...127 |
A Proposal of Test
Method for Determination of the Liquid Limits of Soils by Fall Cone
(Domestic Edition
Yukio Furukawa, Hidehiko Kazama and Tatsushi Fujita |
...145 |
Empirical Correlation between SPT N-Value and Relative Density
for Sandy Soils |
C. Cherubini and M. Lupo |
...123 |
Empirical Correlation between SPT N-Value and Relative Density
for Sandy Soils (closure) |
M. Cubrinovski and Kenji Ishihara |
...124 |
of Structures Adjacent to Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls (closure) |
M. Georgiadis and C. Anagnostopoulos |
...125 |
...126 |
...I-III |