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Soils and Foundations

Vol.41-1 (2001.2)

General Interpretation on Natural Void Ratio-Overburden Pressure Relationship of Marine Deposits

Takashi. Tsuchida

ABSTRACT : Unified model of e-logp relationship of clays was proposed, which consists of ultimate standard compression curve, USC and the standard e-logp curves from the initial void ratio SCe0. Both curves are determined mainly by the liquid limit, the void ratio at the very beginning of consolidation and the sensitivity of clay. The uniqueness of USC was examined by the consolidation data of 18 marine clay. Considering the effects of waves and currents, the void ratio of marine clay when the consolidation starts seems to be 1.5-2.0 times of the liquid limit. By using the proposed model and the assumed initial void ratio, the interpretation on the natural void ratio of marine deposit seabed is given. The specific volume index Isv, which is defined as log (e+1)/log(eL+1), is newly proposed to normalize the compression curves of clays of different liquid limits. In Isv-overburden pressure relationship, a unique standard sedimentation compression curve is obtained based on the SCe0. As the specific volume index of narural Osaka Bay Pleistocene clay is much larger than the standard curve, the clays seem to have the structures due to the aging effects during the sedimentation.

Key words:  marine clay, compression, consolidation, void ratio, water content, diluvial deposit (IGC: B5)


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